Pet Allergies
We have equipped ourselves with the diagnostic instruments to detect allergies as well as the therapies to control them because they are one of the most prevalent conditions in our region. Call us today to schedule your next dog and cat allergy treatment today at: (201) 391–9494.
What do Dog and Cat Allergies Look Like?
Allergies very often manifest themselves as skin conditions, but can also cause some respiratory issues, or vomiting/diarrhea if it is a food allergy. Common symptoms of pet allergies include:
- Red, irritated skin
- Dry, flaky skin
- Excessive scratching
- Hot spots
- Obsessive licking of the paws
- Hair loss
- Chronic ear infections
- Runny eyes or nose
- Sneezing
- Vomiting or diarrhea
Common allergens for pets include:
- Pollens
- Mold spores
- Dust and dust mites
- Fleas (flea allergy dermatitis)
- Grasses
- Certain materials or fabrics
- Cleaning products
- Food ingredients

Diagnosing Pet Allergies
If you suspect your pet has an allergy, the first thing we’ll do is rule out other causes of skin conditions such as an immune disease, bacterial or yeast infection, or parasites. Once we rule these options out, we’ll perform an allergy test to discover which allergen your pet is allergic to. Please keep in mind that this only works with environmental allergens. Food allergies are a different matter and require a food trial to determine the ingredient causing the symptoms.
Managing Pet Allergies
Dog and cat allergies, much like your own, cannot be cured, only managed. We do our best to find the right treatment or combination of treatments to relieve your pet’s discomfort. These may include:
- Cytopoint (an anti-itch injection for dogs that lasts 6-8 weeks)
- Apoquel (an anti-itch daily tablet for dogs)
- Atopica (an anti-itch oral solution for cats and dogs)
- Antihistamines
- Bathing with medicated shampoos
- Topical treatments
- Diet recommendations for food allergies
- Anti-fungals for treatment of secondary fungal infections
- Anti-bacterials for treatment of secondary bacterial infections
Veterinary Services
Below are all of the veterinary services we offer at Park Ridge Animal Hospital. If you have any questions regarding our services, please feel free to call us.