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Pet Wellness Care in Park Ridge, NJ

At Park Ridge Animal Hospital, we deliver a high-level, unique experience with every wellness exam for dogs and cats in Park Ridge, NJ. Here, our expertly-trained staff will provide your pet with low-stress care to make treatment easier for them, us, and you. We also take time during each visit to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, fully evaluate your pet’s health, and work with you to make a plan for their continued well-being.

Pet Wellness Care

For pets that are overly anxious or if you are unable to bring them into the hospital, please call us to discuss a different plan or method to help (201) 391-9494. We also recommend as a good source of different ideas to help.

Low-Stress Pet Wellness Care Visits

When you visit us at PRAH, you and your pet will be warmly welcomed by our compassionate staff and taken to an exam room as soon as one is available. Cats enjoy their kitty corner away from dogs to reduce the stress of their visit. Additionally, we all wear colors that are calming to cats and dogs and use a gentle, low-stress approach to handling. Your pet will also enjoy caring attention and positive reinforcement with their favorite treats.

Comprehensive Pet Wellness Exams

Our pet wellness exams are geared specifically toward your pet’s unique needs. A list of the services we perform includes:

  • A thorough physical exam, including a body condition score
  • Age-appropriate blood work
  • Fecal exam
  • Dental health evaluation
  • Nutritional counseling, if needed
  • Vaccination administration, if due
  • Parasite prevention
  • Addressing any of your questions or concerns

All blood work, fecal exams, and any other lab work can be performed with our in-house lab. We also have X-ray and ultrasound capabilities in-hospital. Please call us at (201) 3919494 to schedule a low-stress wellness exam for your dog or cat today.

Parasite Prevention: A Ticking Time Bomb

Parasite prevention is essential for any pet. However, in our area, ticks are a serious, and growing concern. So much so, that it’s only a matter of time before your dog (or cat, to a lesser degree) comes into contact with one. Ticks are just one of the reasons we recommend parasite prevention all year round.

As for other parasites, fleas, heartworms, and intestinal parasites are also present in our area. We offer a range of parasite preventatives to suit any pet, and now offer ProHeart 6, a 6-month injection that protects dogs against heartworms. Preventing parasites is far less costly than treating an infestation or the diseases they can cause, so talk to us today about your pet’s parasite prevention!

Veterinary Services

Below are all of the veterinary services we offer at Park Ridge Animal Hospital. If you have any questions regarding our services, please feel free to call us.