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We offer same day appointments Monday through Saturday!

Please Note: We will be closed on Wednesday, December 25th in observance of Christmas!

Pet Radiology in Park Ridge, NJ

Pet radiology, also known as veterinary radiography, is an essential diagnostic tool for our furry companions.

Pet Radiology

Our experienced veterinary team is skilled in utilizing radiological imaging to uncover hidden health issues, from fractures to tumors, ensuring your pet receives the best possible care.

Using advanced imaging technology such as X-rays and ultrasounds, it allows veterinarians to peek inside your pet’s body, aiding in the diagnosis of various conditions and injuries. From identifying fractures to detecting tumors, pet radiology plays a crucial role in ensuring your pet’s well-being by providing non-invasive and accurate insights into their health.

Veterinary Services

Below are all of the veterinary services we offer at Park Ridge Animal Hospital. If you have any questions regarding our services, please feel free to call us.