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Pet Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy in Park Ridge, NJ

Pet physical therapy techniques are extremely beneficial for animals who need to regain strength, mobility, and balance due to injury or surgery. It can also be very helpful for those pets who need additional measures to control pain.

Pet Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy

Our veterinarian, Dr. Scaglione, is a certified canine rehabilitation practitioner. She works with dogs to restore their full range of motion and quality of life through guided exercises, assisted stretching, and more.

When Might Physical Therapy Benefit Your Pet?

Physical therapy for pets is beneficial for many conditions and situations, including:

  • Post-surgery care including cruciate and other joint surgeries
  • Joint condition (i.e. IVDD, arthritis)
  • Spinal disorders, disc disease, or neck and back pain
  • Ligament, tendon, or muscle injuries
  • Neurological conditions
  • Difficulty exercising, walking, or rising
  • Weight management

Signs your pet may need physical therapy include:

  • Difficulty getting up after lying down
  • Reluctance or difficulty using the stairs
  • Unwillingness to go on long walks
  • Signs of pain such as vocalizations or sleeping more often
  • Favoring one side
  • Limping or holding up one leg

What Does Pet Physical Therapy Entail?

Park Ridge Animal Hospital is dedicated to helping your pet heal from their injuries or conditions. We work to develop a comprehensive and personal plan that may include the following:

  • Treadmill work
  • Cavaletti and pole work
  • Therapeutic exercises (i.e. obstacle courses)
  • Active and passive range of motion
  • Heat and cold therapy
  • Treadmill work
  • Cavaletti and pole work
  • Therapeutic exercises (i.e. obstacle courses)
  • Active and passive range of motion
  • Heat and cold therapy

All of our rehabilitation efforts aim to restore your pet’s function, strength, coordination, range of motion and ultimately, their quality of life.

Veterinary Services

Below are all of the veterinary services we offer at Park Ridge Animal Hospital. If you have any questions regarding our services, please feel free to call us.